
Everything You Need to Know About QR Codes

Did you know that with the help of QR codes you could verify the authenticity of documents? At ProofEasy, we offer an advanced solution that enables educational institutes to carry out QR code certificate verification and eliminate the hassle of the entire process. Ever since QR code was developed in the year 1994, the capabilities of this two-dimensional technology has evolved. Initially, it was used for offering links to product information, over the years, it has developed and used for carrying out a range of operations. In fact, QR codes are also integrated with high-end technologies such as Blockchain Technology to offer a more sophisticated solution. But how well do you know about this matrix barcode? Keep reading till the end to learn all things essential about QR code. What is a QR Code? QR code is abbreviated from Quick Response Code and it was originally developed by a Japanese automotive components company called Denso Wave. The QR code works similarly as barcode

The Significance of Document Security in Legal Sector

  Protecting sensitive client information is one of the priorities of all Legal firms. While the legal sector is slowly moving to online data storage, the necessity to ensure data protection has increased drastically. The use of blockchain document security has also been actively adopted in recent years.     Avoiding digital data storage and relying on hard copies for the storage and maintenance of files, records and other information may find a temporary solution but it is not a viable choice for a long-term. Online data storage offers a much more convenient and advanced platform to deal with confidential/sensitive data of clients and different cases. But where there are many advantages of using online data storage, there is also the risk of security concerns. Keep reading more to learn everything essential about document security in the legal sector. The Importance of Data Security In 2011, the American Bar Association opinionated an issue where the duty of confidentiality

How is the issue of identity theft solved by blockchain technology?

In the digitization world, the requirement for managing & securing valuable documents is becoming very crucial. Day by day, the generation of vast amounts of digital artefacts such as health records, property registration records, educational certificates, employee service records etc have increased. The inefficiency of the manual & paperwork is hugely felt across various organisations. Document security is something everyone should think about but data stored in the blockchain can be extremely beneficial. Let us read about the blockchain document security process.     Issues faced while managing documents:   Loads of documents are tackled by employees & processed, some on paper and mostly in digital formats. Documents like contacts, invoices, payroll delivery notes, purchase receipts, payment receipts, reports and so on. It is not at all easy to make a list of all these documents. The document flows are the biggest headache and arduous job for most organisations

Why Blockchain Could Become Important in the Education Sector?

  Blockchain has emerged to be one of the revolutionizing technologies as more and more industries are tapping in its power to support their operations. Over the past few years, cryptocurrency is one of the first applications coming from blockchain technology, took over the world. There’s more use of this technology as its immutable, decentralized and transparent nature makes it an ideal fit for different fields such as education, healthcare and more. The blockchain ledger technologies particularly have impacted the educational sector quite a lot.   With the blockchain encrypted document and other more uses, the education sector has taken a step forward. So much so that blockchaintechnology has the potential to become an important aspect for the education sector. Let’s take a look at the things for which blockchain is used today in the education sector and how it can become more important in future. Issuing Course Diplomas and Certificates Blockchain offers a platform for